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Alfa Group Guide

DOKU has partnered with various partners and one of them is Alfa Group (Alfamart, Alfaexpress, Alfamidi, Lawson, Dan+Dan) to provide O2O Payment. Learn more about how DOKU can help you integrate with Alfa Group here.

Alfa Group Payment Method activation

Integration methods

There are two methods to integrate with Alfa Group:

  1. Register: The payment code will be registered to DOKU and Alfa will inquiry to our side when the customer make payment at the Alfa Store
    1. DOKU Generated Payment Code (DGPC): The payment code is generated by DOKU. Suitable for e-commerce business model.
    2. Merchant Generated Payment Code (MGPC): The payment code is generated by Merchant. Suitable for top up business model.
  2. Direct Inquiry (DIPC): The payment code is registered on merchant side and DOKU will forward Alfa inquiry request to merchant side when the customer make payment at the Alfa store

Integration steps

Here is the overview of how to integrate with Online to Offline:

  1. Generate payment code
  2. Display payment code
  3. Acknowledge payment result
Direct API - Online to Offline Sequence Diagram
 Direct API - O2O Aggregator Merchant Flow

1. Generate payment code

To generate payment code, you will need to hit this API through your Backend:

API Request

API endpoint (Sandbox)
API endpoint (Production)

Here is the sample of request header to generate payment code:

Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: d24a5644-6078-4249-8740-4a6dcd92df5a
Request-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=vl9DBTX5KhEiXmnpOD0TSm8PYQknuHPdyHSTSc3W6Ps=
Request Header Explanation
Client-IdClient ID retrieved from DOKU Back Office
Request-IdUnique random string (max 128 characters) generated from merchant side to protect duplicate request
Request-TimestampTimestamp request on UTC time in ISO8601 UTC+0 format. It means to proceed transaction on UTC+7 (WIB), merchant need to subtract time with 7. Ex: to proceed transaction on September 22th 2020 at 08:51:00 WIB, the timestamp should be 2020-09-22T01:51:00Z
SignatureSecurity parameter that needs to be generated on merchant Backend and placed to the header request to ensure that the request is coming from valid merchant. Please refer to this section to generate the signature

Here is the sample of request body to generate payment code:

"order": {
"invoice_number": "INV-20210124-0001",
"amount": 150000
"online_to_offline_info": {
"expired_time": 60,
"reusable_status": false,
"info": "Merchant Demo Store"
"customer": {
"name": "Anton Budiman",
"email": ""
Request Body Explanation
order.invoice_numberstringMandatoryGenerated by merchant to identify the order and must unique per request
Allowed chars: alphabetic, numeric, special chars
Max length: 64
order.amountnumberMandatoryIn IDR currency and without decimal. Alfa only supports Close Amount
Allowed chars: numeric
Max length: 12
online_to_offline_info.expired_timenumberOptionalPayment code expiration time in minutes format
Allowed chars: numeric
Maximum length: 5
Default value: 60
online_to_offline_info.reusable_statusnumberMandatoryFor payment code that can be paid more than once, set this to true
Possible value: true false
online_to_offline_info.infostringOptionalAdditional info that will be display on the Alfa POS when customer do inquiry
Allowed chars: alphabetic, numeric, special chars
Max length: 30
customer.namestringMandatoryCustomer name that will be displayed on acquirer channel when do inquiry
Allowed chars: alphabetic, numeric, special chars
Max length: 64
customer.emailstringOptionalCustomer email
Allowed chars: alphabetic, numeric, special chars
Max length: 128

API Response

After hitting the above API request, DOKU will give the response.

HTTP Status200
Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: d24a5644-6078-4249-8740-4a6dcd92df5a
Response-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=9UPUFzOqJc47aJzD9ESOTcWg6TMsg3mqSP+DnUO8ENE=
Response Header Explanation
Client-IdSame as the request
Request-IdSame as the request
Response-TimestampTimestamp Response on UTC with format ISO8601 UTC+0 from DOKU
SignatureSignature generated by DOKU based on the response body

Here is the sample of response body:

"order": {
"invoice_number": "INV-20210124-0001"
"online_to_offline_info": {
"payment_code": "6059000000000205",
"how_to_pay_page": "",
"how_to_pay_api": "",
"created_date": "20210331115005",
"expired_date": "20210331125005",
"created_date_utc": "2021-03-31T04:50:05Z",
"expired_date_utc": "2021-03-31T05:50:05Z"
Response Body Explanation
order.invoice_numberstringMandatorySame as the request
stringMandatoryGenerated by DOKU that will be used by customer for doing a payment through Alfa store
online_to_offline_info.how_to_pay_pagestringOptionalPage URL that merchant can use to display how customer can complete the payment process through Alfa store
online_to_offline_info.how_to_pay_apistringOptionalURL that merchant can parse to display customized how customer can complete the payment process through Alfa store
online_to_offline_info.created_datestringConditionalDate time of payment code generated with the format of yyyyMMddHHmmss. The created date uses UTC+7 time
online_to_offline_info.expired_datestringConditionalDate time of payment code will be expired with the format of yyyyMMddHHmmss. The expired date uses UTC+7 time. Use this to set the expiry order on merchant side
online_to_offline_info.created_date_utcstringConditionalDate time of payment code generated in UTC format
online_to_offline_info.expired_date_utcstringConditionalDate time of payment code will be expired in UTC. Use this to set the expiry order on merchant side
Pro Tips

You can also show payment instruction link to your customer by using online_to_offline_info.how_to_pay_page. If you wish to customize the UI for the payment instruction, you can use the online_to_offline_info.how_to_pay_api.

2. Display payment code

You can display the payment code to your customer by using online_to_offline_info.payment_code that you retrieved from the API response.

3. Acknowledge payment result

After the payment is being made by your customer, DOKU will send HTTP Notification to your defined Notification URL. Learn how to handle the notification from DOKU:

Additional features

We provide various additional features to suited your needs. Learn more here.

Insurance Data

For insurance merchant, DOKU can show insurance data to Alfa POS and Alfa receipt by give object additional_info.insurance_info and also DOKU can show footer message on Alfa receipt by give alfa_info.receipt.footer_message to DOKU. Here is the sample:

"alfa_info": {
"receipt": {
"footer_message":"Call Center 021 555-0525"
"additional_info": {
"insurance_info": {
"policy_type": "Dana Pendidikan",
"policy_number": "9090901234",
"policy_account_name": "Taufik Ismail",
"policy_status": "aktif",
"bill_due_date": "21 May 2021"

Update and Cancel Payment Code Data

If you wish to update your payment code data such as, update the amount, update the expiry time, customer details, and etc. You can do that by hitting the API with PATCH method:

API Request

API endpoint (Sandbox)
API endpoint (Production)

Here is the sample of request header to update payment code:

Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: 2dc5985e-adaa-4f82-b126-b09e9006da14
Request-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=vl9DBTX5KhEiXmnpOD0TSm8PYQknuHPdyHSTSc3W6Ps=
Request Header Explanation
Client-IdClient ID retrieved from DOKU Back Office
Request-IdUnique random string (max 128 characters) generated from merchant side to protect duplicate request
Request-TimestampTimestamp request on UTC time in ISO8601 UTC+0 format. It means to proceed transaction on UTC+7 (WIB), merchant need to subtract time with 7. Ex: to proceed transaction on September 22th 2020 at 08:51:00 WIB, the timestamp should be 2020-09-22T01:51:00Z
SignatureSecurity parameter that needs to be generated on merchant Backend and placed to the header request to ensure that the request is coming from valid merchant. Please refer to this section to generate the signature

Here is the sample of request body to update payment code data:

Cancel payment pode data

To cancel a payment code, simply set online_to_offline_info.status to DELETE

"order": {
"invoice_number": "INV-20210124-0001",
"amount": 150000
"online_to_offline_info": {
"payment_code": "6059000000000205",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"expired_time": 60,
"reusable_status": false,
"info": "Thank you for shopping"
"customer": {
"name": "Anton Budiman",
"email": ""
Request Body Explanation
order.invoice_numberstringSame as the generate payment code request
order.amountnumberConditionalSet this with updated value if wished. Set this parameter to more than (>) 0 for Close Amount
Allowed chars: numeric
Max length: 12
online_to_offline_info.payment_codestringMandatoryThe payment code that wish to be updated
online_to_offline_info.statusstringMandatorySet ACTIVE to update the payment code and set DELETE to cancel the payment code
Possible value: ACTIVE, DELETE
online_to_offline_info.expired_timenumberOptionalSet this with updated value if wished
Allowed chars: numeric
Maximum length: 5
Default value: 60
online_to_offline_info.reusable_statusnumberMandatorySet this with updated value if wished
Possible value: true false
online_to_offline_info.infostringOptionalAdditional info that will be display on the Alfa POS when customer do inquiry
Allowed chars: alphabetic, numeric, special chars
Max length: 30
customer.namestringMandatorySet this with updated value if wished
Allowed chars: alphabetic, numeric, special chars
Max length: 40
customer.emailstringOptionalSet this with updated value if wished
Allowed chars: alphabetic, numeric, special chars
Max length: 128

API Response

After hitting the above API request, DOKU will give the response.

HTTP Status200
Client-Id: MCH-0001-10791114622547
Request-Id: 09e0defe-a071-45b3-9feb-ac134374628c
Response-Timestamp: 2020-08-11T08:45:42Z
Signature: HMACSHA256=9UPUFzOqJc47aJzD9ESOTcWg6TMsg3mqSP+DnUO8ENE=
Response Header Explanation
Client-IdSame as the request
Request-IdSame as the request
Response-TimestampTimestamp Response on UTC with format ISO8601 UTC+0 from DOKU
SignatureSignature generated by DOKU based on the response body

Here is the sample of response body:

"order": {
"invoice_number": "INV-20210124-0001"
"online_to_offline_info": {
"payment_code": "6059000000000205",
"created_date": "20210331115005",
"expired_date": "20210331125005",
"created_date_utc": "2021-03-31T04:50:05Z",
"expired_date_utc": "2021-03-31T05:50:05Z"
Response Body Explanation
order.invoice_numberstringMandatorySame as the request
stringMandatoryGenerated by DOKU that will be used by customer for doing a payment through Alfa store
online_to_offline_info.created_datestringConditionalDate time of payment code generated with the format of yyyyMMddHHmmss. The created date uses UTC+7 time
online_to_offline_info.expired_datestringConditionalDate time of payment code will be expired with the format of yyyyMMddHHmmss. The expired date uses UTC+7 time. Use this to set the expiry order on merchant side
online_to_offline_info.created_date_utcstringConditionalDate time of payment code generated in UTC format
online_to_offline_info.expired_date_utcstringConditionalDate time of payment code will be expired in UTC. Use this to set the expiry order on merchant side

Split Settlement

If you are a platform or a marketplace, you can use this feature to settle the funds to your sellers or partners programmatically, save many operational efforts.

What's next?

You can test your payment through our Payment Simulator. Learn more here.